Academic Publications
Non-Communicable Diseases
Schwartz JI, Howitt C, Raman S, Nair S, Hassan S, et al. (2025) Assessing cardiovascular disease risk and social determinants of health: A comparative analysis of five risk estimation instruments using data from the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network. PloS ONE. 2025, Jan 24
Adams, O. P., Galusha, D., Martinez-Brockman, J. L., Morris, E. H., Hassan, S., Maharaj, R. G., Nazario, C. M., Nunez, M., & Nunez-Smith, M. Peripheral Arterial Disease prevalence and risk factors in the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) cohort. PloS ONE. 2024 Aug 24
Guariguata L, Burlar A, Greaves N, Harewood H, Raveed Khan R, Rosario-Rosado RV, Jones W, Roy B, Hassan S. A systems thinking framework for understanding rising childhood obesity in the Caribbean. Health Research Policy and Systems. 2024 Aug 22
Ransome, Y., Martinez-Brockman, J. L., Galusha, D., Thompson, T. A., Adams, O. P., Nazario, C. M., Nunez, M., Nunez-Smith, M., & Maharaj, R. G. Prevalence and correlates of alcohol use among the elderly in the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) cohort study. Addictive behaviors.2024 Mar 1.
Martinez-Brockman JL, Hromi-Fiedler A, Galusha D, Oladele C, Acosta L, Adams OP, Maharaj RG, Nazario CM, Nunez M, Nunez-Smith M, Pérez-Escamilla R; ECHORN Writing Group. Risk factors for household food insecurity in the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network cohort study. Front Public Health. 2023 Nov 23.
Oladele CR, Khandpur N, Galusha D, Hassan SM, Colón-Ramos U, Miller M, Adams OP, Nazario CM, Nunez M, Pérez-Escamilla R, Hassell T, Nunez-Smith M. Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and T2D diabetes in the Eastern Caribbean. Public Health Nutr. 2023, March. Review a research summary.
Oladele CR, Colón-Ramos U, Galusha D, Tran E, Adams OP, Maharaj RG, Nazario CM, Nunez M, Pérez-Escamilla R, Nunez-Smith M. Perceptions of the local food environment and fruit and vegetable intake in the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes research Network (ECHORN) Cohort Study. Prev Med Rep. 2022, April (26). Review a research summary.
Hassan S, Magny-Normilus C, Galusha D, Adams OP, Maharaj RG, Nazario CM, Nunez M, Nunez-Smith M. Glycemic control and management of cardiovascular risk factors among adults with diabetes in the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) Cohort Study. Prim Care Diabetes. 2021, July. Review a research summary.
Hassan S, Sobers N, Paul-Charles J, Herbert J, Dharamraj K, Cruz E, Garcia E, Fredericks L, Desai MM, Roy S, Williams S, Linnander E, Crusto C, Horowitz CR, Arniella G, Cattamanchi A, Adams OP, Nunez-Smith M. Diabetes prevention in the Caribbean using Lifestyle Intervention and Metformin Escalation (LIME): Protocol for a hybrid Type-1 effectiveness-implementation trial using a quasi-experimental study design. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2021 June (22). Review a research summary.
Hassan, S., Oladele, C., Galusha, D. et al. Anthropometric measures of obesity and associated cardiovascular disease risk in the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) Cohort Study. BMC Public Health 21, 399 (2021). Review a research summary.
Hassan S, Nguyen M, Buchanan M, Grimshaw A, Adams OP, Hassell T, Ragster L, Nunez-Smith M. Management Of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases After Natural Disasters In The Caribbean: A Scoping Review. Health Aff (Millwood). 2020 Dec;39(12):2136-2143.
Clement Y, Singh S, Motilal S, Maharaj R, Nunez-Smith M. A Protocol for the Study of Polymorphisms and Response to Metformin in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Trinidad. Ethn Dis. 2020 Apr 2;30(Suppl 1):211-216. Review a research summary.
Oladele CR, Thompson TA, Wang K, Galusha D, Tran E, Martinez-Brockman JL, Adams OP, Maharaj RG, Nazario CM, Nunez M., Nunez-Smith M. Egocentric health networks and cardiovascular risk factors in the ECHORN cohort study. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 35(3), 784-791 (March 2020). Review a research summary.
Cohall D, Ojeh N, Ferrario CM, Adams OP, Nunez-Smith M. Is hypertension in African-descent populations contributed to by an imbalance in the activities of the ACE2/Ang-(1-7)/Mas and the ACE/Ang II/AT1 axes? J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst. 2020 Jan-Mar;21(1).
Spatz ES, Martinez-Brockman JL, Tessier-Sherman B, Mortazavi B, Roy B, Schwartz JI, Nazario CM, Maharaj R, Nunez M, Adams OP, Burg M, Nunez-Smith M; ECHORN Writing Group. Phenotypes of Hypertensive Ambulatory Blood Pressure Patterns: Design and Rationale of the ECHORN Hypertension Study. Ethn Dis. 2019 Oct 17;29(4):535-544.
Hassan S, Ojo T, Galusha D, Martinez-Brockman JL, Adams OP, Maharaj R, Nazario C, Nunez M, Nunez-Smith M. Obesity and weight misperception among adults in the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) Cohort Study. Obes Sci Pract. 2018 Jun 5;4(4):367-378.
Wang KH, Thompson TA, Galusha D, Friedman H, Nazario CM, Nunez M, Maharaj RG, Adams OP, Nunez-Smith M; ECHORN Writing Group. Non-communicable chronic diseases and timely breast cancer screening among women of the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) Cohort Study. Cancer Causes Control. 2018 Mar;29(3):315-324.
Collaborative Network
Thompson T-AM, Desai MM, Martinez-Brockman JL, Tessier-Sherman B, Nunez M, Adams OP, Nazario CM, Maharaj RG, Nunez-Smith M. The Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) Cohort Study: Design, Methods, and Baseline Characteristics. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024; 21(1):17.
Maharaj RG, Thompson T, Nunez MA, Adams OP, Nazario-Delgado C, et al. The Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN). Caribbean Med J. 2012 December; 74(2):36-37.
Maharaj RG, Nunez-Smith M, King RK, Adams OP, Nunes PN, Brathwaite R, Thompson T. Independence and interdependence: opportunities for growth, research and societal change. West Indian Med J. 2012 Jul;61(4):472.
Data and Data sharing
Wang, K., Britton, M. C., Hambleton, I. R., Howitt, C., Jeyaseelan, S. M., Fraser, K., Martinez-Brockman, J. L., Whiteman, S., Rajeevan, H., & Nunez-Smith, M. Caribbean data-sharing initiatives: activities of the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network. Revista panamericana de salud publica = Pan American journal of public health, 48, e121. 2024 Dec 16.
Almodóvar-Rivera IA, Rosario-Rosado RV, Nazario CM, Hernández-Santiago J, Ramírez-Marrero FA, Nunez M, Maharaj R, Adams P, Martinez-Brockman JL, Tessier-Sherman B, Nunez-Smith M; ECHORN Writing Group. Development of the Anthropometric Grouping Index for the Eastern Caribbean Population Using the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) Cohort Study Data. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Aug 21;19(16).
Wang K, Grossetta Nardini H, Post L, Edwards T, Nunez-Smith M, Brandt C. Information Loss in Harmonizing Granular Race and Ethnicity Data: Descriptive Study of Standards. J Med Internet Res. 2020 Jul 20;22(7).
McCall T, Date S, Alexis D, Whiteman S, Dick S, Marenco L, Campbell Britton M, Tessier-Sherman B, Brandt C, Wang K. Towards reducing health information inequities in the Caribbean: the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network data sharing platform usability study. In: Otero P, Scott P, Martin SZ, Huesing E, eds. MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health – Global Partnership for Digital Innovation: Proceedings of the 18th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics. Studies in health technology and informatics. IOS Press; 2022.
Wang K, Hambleton I, Linnander E, Marenco L, Hassan S, Kumara M, Fredericks LE, Harrigan S, Hasse TA 2nd, Brandt C, Nunez-Smith M; ECHORN Writing Group. Toward Reducing Health Information Inequities in the Caribbean: Our Experience Building a Participatory Health Informatics Project. Ethn Dis. 2020 Apr 2;30(Suppl 1):193-202. Review a research summary.
Oladele C, Thompson TA, Zhang ER, Nunez-Smith M. Population-Based Surveillance for Cardiovascular Disease in the Caribbean: Challenges and Opportunities for Regional Approaches. Curr Cardiovasc Risk Rep. 2017 Jan. Review a research summary.